error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler' [wxSmith, wxWidgets 3.1.3] [Solved]

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error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler' [wxSmith, wxWidgets 3.1.3] [Solved]

Post by var_null »

Hello, I used wxSmith to create the GUI for my program

Everything was fine until I added a bitmap (staticboxsizer_Logo--> imagepanel_logo --> staticbitmap_logo):

Now I'm getting the following errors:

Code: Select all

/bin/sh -c 'make -j4 -e -f  Makefile'
----------Building project:[ file - Debug ]----------
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file'
/usr/bin/clang++  -c  "/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file/file__Main.cpp" -g -O0 -Wall -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-3.1-unofficial -I/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DWXUSINGDLL -D__WXGTK__ -pthread   -o ./Debug/file__Main.cpp.o -I. -I.
/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file/file__Main.cpp:209:27: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler'
    imagepanel_Logo = new wxImageHandler(Panel1, ID_IMAGEPANEL1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(250,46), wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, _T("ID_IMAGEPANEL1"));
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/image.h:154:18: note: unimplemented pure virtual method 'DoCanRead' in 'wxImageHandler'
    virtual bool DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) = 0;
/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file/file__Main.cpp:210:22: error: no member named 'SetStretch' in 'wxImageHandler'
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ^
/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file/file__Main.cpp:211:29: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'wxStaticBitmap'
    staticbitmap_Logo = new wxStaticBitmap(imagepanel_Logo, ID_STATICBITMAP1, wxBitmap(wxImage(_T("/mnt/data/VMware/VM-Shared/file++_Logo.png"))), wxPoint(1,-2), wxDefaultSize, 0, _T("ID_STATICBITMAP1"));
                            ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/gtk/statbmp.h:22:5: note: candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from 'wxImageHandler *' to 'wxWindow *' for 1st argument
    wxStaticBitmap( wxWindow *parent,
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/gtk/statbmp.h:18:24: note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: requires 1 argument, but 7 were provided
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxStaticBitmap : public wxStaticBitmapBase
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/gtk/statbmp.h:21:5: note: candidate constructor not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 7 were provided
/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file/file__Main.cpp:212:26: error: no matching member function for call to 'Add'
    staticboxsizer_Logo->Add(imagepanel_Logo, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0);
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1168:10: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'wxImageHandler *' to 'wxWindow *' for 1st argument
wxSizer::Add( wxWindow *window, int proportion, int flag, int border, wxObject* userData )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1174:10: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'wxImageHandler *' to 'wxSizer *' for 1st argument
wxSizer::Add( wxSizer *sizer, int proportion, int flag, int border, wxObject* userData )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1180:10: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'wxImageHandler *' to 'int' for 1st argument
wxSizer::Add( int width, int height, int proportion, int flag, int border, wxObject* userData )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1198:10: note: candidate function not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 4 were provided
wxSizer::Add( int width, int height, const wxSizerFlags& flags )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1186:10: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 4 were provided
wxSizer::Add( wxWindow *window, const wxSizerFlags& flags )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1192:10: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 4 were provided
wxSizer::Add( wxSizer *sizer, const wxSizerFlags& flags )
/usr/include/wx-3.1-unofficial/wx/sizer.h:1162:10: note: candidate function not viable: requires single argument 'item', but 4 arguments were provided
wxSizer::Add( wxSizerItem *item )
4 errors generated.
make[1]: *** [ Debug/file__Main.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/<username>/CProjects/Workspace/file'
make: *** [Makefile:5: All] Error 2
====4 errors, 11 warnings====

Hope someone can tell me what I need to edit so I can compile my program

Last edited by var_null on Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler' [wxSmith, wxWidgets 3.1.3]

Post by Kvaz1r »

wxImageHandler doesn't have such constructor, moreover it's an abstract class so it's a bug of wxSmith. Try to replace with wxStaticBitmap.
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Re: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler' [wxSmith, wxWidgets 3.1.3]

Post by PB »

Please check the wxImageHandler documentation and you will see what is wrong. In short, wxImageHandler is not a control.

I do not use wxSmith so I do not know how it is possible that it let you generate such code. My guess is you actually wanted wxImagePanel (I assume wsStaticBitmap was for some reason not good enough?).

I understand that being new to C++, wxWidgets, and the IDE all at once must be difficult and frustrating but I would still recommend being more curious. E.g., here you would learn what the issue is had you checked what wxImageHandler is.
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Re: error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'wxImageHandler' [wxSmith, wxWidgets 3.1.3]

Post by var_null »

Hello, thanks for your reply

In fact wxSmith generated

Code: Select all

#include "wx/wxImagePanel.h"


wxImagePanel* imagepanel_Logo;


imagepanel_Logo = new wxImagePanel(Panel1, ID_IMAGEPANEL1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(250,46), wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, _T("ID_IMAGEPANEL1"));
And the compiler suggested me replacing "#include "wx/wxImagePanel.h"" to "#include "wx/wx.h"" and replacing wxImagePanel with wxImageHandler

Thought wxImagePanel was needed to use the wxStaticBitmap

Deleted wxImagePanel and left only the wxStaticBitmap inside the wxStaticBoxSizer, now the program compiles without errors
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