Sockets FAQ/Tutorial

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Sockets FAQ/Tutorial

Post by Ryan Norton »

Chinese Version

At the wxForum we get asked a lot of wxSocket questions... so here's an attempt to answer some of these in a simple, coherent way.

If you have any comments, etc. please reply and I'll edit this post.
  1. Server Socket Creation

    In native apis like WINSOCK you use a construct called SOCKET for everything.... however wx seperates the duties of client sockets (sockets recieved from a server) and server sockets (sockets that recieve client sockets from other people).

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    // Creates a wxSocketServer.... returning NULL on error
    // nPort is the port to connect to (80 for HTTP, etc.)
    wxSocketServer* wxCreateMyServerSocket(int nPort)
        //  Create an address for the port.
        //  This will only fail if you have a really obscure port number
        wxIPV4address addr;
            return NULL;
        // Create a server socket for our address
        // (You check through Ok which we'll get to next)
        wxSocketServer* pServerSocket = new wxSocketServer(addr);
        // Could we create the server socket?
        if (!pServerSocket->Ok())
            // Nope, print out a message if the port is in use
            // otherwise just return 
            if (pServerSocket->LastError() == wxSOCKET_INVPORT)
                   wxMessageBox(wxT("Port in use!"));
            return NULL;
        //  Success... yah!
        return pServerSocket;
  2. wxSocketServer::Accept way of getting clients

    Just using Accept is normally not a good thing with GUI apps because Accept halts the main thread until a client is recieved. However, it works fine for console applications

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    // Normally, you go through a loop like this
    // bServeClients is a bool you define
    // when this is false it stops calling Accept
    while ( bServeClients )
        //  Here we call accept.
        //  As mentioned this will block until a client is recieved
        wxSocketBase * pSocket = pServerSocket->Accept();
        //  If we get a NULL socket it means something bad happened
        if ( !pSocket )
        //  This is something you define... is does whatever with
        //  the socket like reading/recieving and writing/sending
        //  Destroy this client socket
    //  Destroy the server socket
  3. Event way of recieving clients

    This is the preferred way of recieving clients for GUI programs... note that because events are not supported with wxBase you cannot use this way with wxBase-only apps

    Hang on though - this is not a single-step process...
    1. Prepare and connect to events

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      // Sets up events for pServerSocket with the event handler
      // pHandler
      void wxMySetupSocketEvents(wxSocketServer* pServerSocket,
                                 wxEvtHandler* pHandler)
          // Make sure there's a valid event handler
          wxASSERT_MSG(pHandler != NULL || wxTheApp != NULL, 
                              wxT("NO EVENT HANDLER!"));
          // We can use wxTheApp (aka &wxGetApp()) for events
          // if the handler is null
          if (pHandler == NULL)
              pHandler = wxTheApp;
          // Sets the event handler to recieve events
          pServerSocket->SetEventHandler(*pHandler, ID_SERVER);
          // Specify and connect the kind of events we want to recieve
          // Here we send server events to wxMyServer::OnServerEvent
          // and client events to wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent 
          pHandler->Connect(ID_SERVER, wxEVT_SOCKET, 
              (wxObjectEventFunction) &wxMyServer::OnServerEvent );
          pHandler->Connect(ID_SOCKET, wxEVT_SOCKET, 
              (wxObjectEventFunction) &wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent );
          // This can get involved but basically there
          // are several kinds of events we could recieve from
          // the server socket.... normally we just want connection
          // events
          //  Tell the server we're ready to get events
          //  (Other classes don't require this, this is kind
          //   of a wxSockets-specific thing)
    2. Server events (wxMyServer::OnServerEvent)

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      void wxMyServer::OnServerEvent(class wxSocketEvent& evt)
          // We only registered for connection events... make
          // sure we only got a connection event
          wxASSERT(evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_CONNECTION);
          // Get our server socket
          wxSocketServer* pServerSocket = (wxSocketServer*) evt.GetSocket();
          // Call accept, but since we know we'll get a socket we'll
          // tell it not to block
          wxSocketBase *  pSocket = pServerSocket->Accept(false);
          // If a wierd fluke happens and we get a null socket break out
          // Setup for the client's events
          // We already called Connect for the server, so we don't
          // need to do it here
          pSocket->SetEventHandler(*((wxEvtHandler*)this), ID_SOCKET);
          // Recieve input events, which means the socket is ready
          // for reading writing etc..
          // Lost event means the person disconnected from our server
          // and we need to destroy the socket
          pSocket->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG);
          // We're ready to recieve client socket events
    3. Client events (wxMyServer::OnClientEvent)

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      void  wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent(class wxSocketEvent& evt)
          // Make sure we an event we registered for
          wxASSERT(evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT ||
                   evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_LOST);
          // Get our client socket
          wxSocketBase* pSocket = evt.GetSocket();
          // If we got an input event it means we 
          // can read/write to this client socket
          if (evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT)
              //  Register only for a lost event
              //  We don't any more input events
              //  Just like in the Accept sample
              //  This is something you define that will read etc.
              //  from the client socket
          // We're done with this client socket...
          // Destroy it
    Note that with the Event version you eventually should call Destroy() or delete on the server socket when you're done with it.

  4. Fun with wxSocketBase::SetFlags

    Before you call Read or Write on the client socket you can call SetFlags to control how the wxSocket waits for data. There are 5 (!) possible flag combinations you can pass to SetFlags.


    This just means you're calling the raw send and recv socket functions without any special stuff - when you call wxSocketBase::Read or Write you are literally calling the raw native socket functions without any wrapper around it at all.


    The default wxSocketBase flag. Some people assume does the same thing as wxSOCKET_NOWAIT, but actually there is a lot of wrapping going on here. First, an explanation.

    First, in unix/WINSOCK there is recv and send. These are basically fread and fwrite for sockets (or, alternatively, if you have not used C in a while, imagine them as wxFile::Read and wxFile::Write for wxSockets). When you call recv and send, you could get "WOULDBLOCK" error - this is sort of saying that the data isn't ready yet.

    Most (simpler) socket apps use function called select which blocks the thread until the data is ready - you can get this from wx too (wxSocketBase::GetError() == wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK) in which case you can ignore it and call read/write again.

    What wxSOCKET_NONE and a plain wxSOCKET_WAITALL do is they call select for a very limited amount of time, then either yield the thread or if its the main thread they process the GUI events, after which it checks to see if there is an error - if its the "WOULDBLOCK" error it ignores it, otherwise it returns on a real error. In the case of wxSOCKET_NONE it does those things over and over again until the timeout expires (wxSocketBase::SetTimeout) or the data size passed to read/write is recieved/sent. (Note that this means that wxSOCKET_NOWAIT ignores the timeout value).

    A word about calling this in the main thread. Basically it calls wxYield(). The problem is that if that is called again (i.e. a recursive yield) wxYield just returns false and won't process any events... thus leading to a blocking situation you truly want to avoid - so just be careful and make sure socket functoins and wherever you call wxYield is not called again after calling a socket function.


    This is just like wxSOCKET_NONE except it does not yield the current thread, or in the case of the main thread process GUI events.

    See, that was simple, wasn't it? :)


    A potentially dangerous flag. Imagine calling wxSOCKET_NONE in an infinite loop until all the data is read/written or an error occurs - that's essentailly what this flag does.

    As hinted, like wxSOCKET_NOWAIT this ignores the timeout value, but in a different way - it will not return until the size you passed through to read or write is recieved/sent or an error occurs!!! This can be bad because if the client computer is off by even a byte you're stuck in an infinite loop with no help at all.


    This is the same as a plain wxSOCKET_WAITALL except that it doesn't yield the current thread or process events if on the main thread - in other words, imagine this as calling Read/Write with the wxSOCKET_BLOCK flag in an infinite loop until all the data is sent/recieved or an error occurs, as that's essentially what it is.


    Generally, if you're careful to avoid the recursive wxYield problem I mentioned in wxSOCKET_NONE, you should never have to set the flags on the wxSocket, which is why I don't even mention them in the basic tutorial. If you want total control, use wxSOCKET_NOWAIT and do your own checking for the wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK error. Use wxSOCKET_BLOCK if you're using a console app. Use wxSOCKET_WAITALL, well, maybe if you are absolutely, 100% sure you're going to get all that data; combine wxSOCKET_BLOCK with wxSOCKET_WAITALL for the same case for blocking sockets.
  5. Using wxSockets with wxStreams

    Are wxSocketOutputStream and wxSocketInputStream. You pass a socket to them through their constructor and then you call Read and or Write like a normal wxStream. You can only Read/Write though, as Seeking/Length etc. won't work.

    The wxBook is rumored (well, by the person who wrote the socket chapter :)) to contain some cool things you can with wxSocketXXXStreams.
  6. Using wxSockets with wxThreads

    Using a thread for each client socket is pretty simple.... first we need to create our thread class -

    Code: Select all

    class wxMyServerThread : public wxThread
        wxMyServer*   m_pServer;  //Our server
        wxSocketBase* m_pSocket;  //The client socket for read/write ops
        wxMyServerThread(wxMyServer* pServer, wxSocketBase* pSocket) : 
                m_pServer(pServer), m_pSocket(pSocket) {} 
        ~wxMyServerThread() { }
        virtual ExitCode Entry()
            //  Remember in the wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent
            //  in the above simple example?  This is the same thing!
            //  In here we read/write etc...  just remember that you're
            //  using threads now so be thread-safe :)
            //  We're done with the client socket,
            //  so we destroy it here
            return 0;

    Then we modify the wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent example we gave earlier to incorporate the thread -

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    void  wxMyServer::OnSocketEvent(class wxSocketEvent& evt)
        // Make sure we an event we registered for
        wxASSERT(evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT ||
                 evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_LOST);
        // Get our client socket
        wxSocketBase* pSocket = evt.GetSocket();
        // If we got an input event it means we 
        // can read/write to this client socket
        if (evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT)
            //  Register only for a lost event
            //  We don't any more input events
            //  Create and run our thread.
            //  We don't really need this wxMyServerThread as a member 
            //  variable since wxThread automatically
            //  deletes itself when it finishes - but you can make one if you want
            wxMyServerThread* pThread = 
                    new wxMyServerThread(this, pSocket);
            // We're done with this client socket...
            // Destroy it... but we only do this on a
            // lost event - we do this at the end of the thread
            // we created earlier for input events
    The main thing to remember with wxSockets and threads is that you need to remember to call wxSocketBase::Initialize before using sockets in a thread other then the main thread. Generally, it is convenient to do this in your derived wxApp class in the OnInit method:

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    bool MyApp::OnInit()
        //This call enables us to use wxSocket calls in secondary threads
        return true;
  7. Other useful references

    Old crash course in Unix sockets programming.

    Information and reference about the WINSOCK API. ... cket.h.htm

    Official reference for the Unix socket API.

That's it for now - have fun guys!
Last edited by Ryan Norton on Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:21 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by GianT »

Just a question, in the Server Socket Creation part, didn't you mean wxSocketServer instead of wxServerSocket ?

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// nPort is the port to connect to (80 for HTTP, etc.)
wxSocketServer* wxCreateMyServerSocket(int nPort)
    //  Create an address for the port.
    //  This will only fail if you have a really obscure port number
    wxIPV4address addr;
        return NULL;

    // Create a server socket for our address
    // (You check through Ok which we'll get to next)
    wxSocketServer* pServerSocket = new wxSocketServer(addr);
Last edited by GianT on Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ryan Norton »

GianT wrote:Just a question, in the Server Socket Creation part, didn't you mean wxSocketServer instead of wxServerSocket ?
// nPort is the port to connect to (80 for HTTP, etc.)
wxSocketServer* wxCreateMyServerSocket(int nPort)
// Create an address for the port.
// This will only fail if you have a really obscure port number
wxIPV4address addr;
return NULL;

// Create a server socket for our address
// (You check through Ok which we'll get to next)
wxSocketServer* pServerSocket = new wxSocketServer(addr);
Yeah thanks - it was edited after you posted... evidently :).
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Post by GianT »

Another mistake I think, in the function OnServerEvent, you wrote

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 wxSocketBase *  pSocket = pSocket->Accept(false);
I guess that the corect code is

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wxSocketBase *  pSocket = pServerSocket ->Accept(false);
And the last one, in the function OnSocketEvent, I think that you meant sock instead of pSocket:

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    if (evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT) 
        //  Register only for a lost event 
        //  We don't any more input events 

        //  Just like in the Accept sample 
        //  This is something you define that will read etc. 
        //  from the client socket 
I think that this should work perfectly now :wink:
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Post by Ryan Norton »

GianT wrote:Another mistake I think, in the function OnServerEvent, you wrote

Code: Select all

 wxSocketBase *  pSocket = pSocket->Accept(false);
I guess that the corect code is

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wxSocketBase *  pSocket = pServerSocket ->Accept(false);
And the last one, in the function OnSocketEvent, I think that you meant sock instead of pSocket:

Code: Select all

    if (evt.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT) 
        //  Register only for a lost event 
        //  We don't any more input events 

        //  Just like in the Accept sample 
        //  This is something you define that will read etc. 
        //  from the client socket 
I think that this should work perfectly now :wink:
Thanks a bundle! Fixed.
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Post by Ryan Norton »

Explanation of those pesky flags added
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Post by Ryan Norton »

Added stream explanation and thread example
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Post by KevinHock »

Two comments:

1) You say there are 5 socket flags, but then describe only 4.

2) It's not clear at all that wxSOCKET_BLOCK is indepedent from all the others, i.e. you don't use it in isolation but in combination with one of the others.

Also, you may want to run through a spell check; Summary is misspelled.
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Post by Ryan Norton »

KevinHock wrote:1) You say there are 5 socket flags, but then describe only 4.
Yes, actually I meant to say there were 5 possible socket flag combinations - thanks, corrected.

KevinHock wrote:2) It's not clear at all that wxSOCKET_BLOCK is indepedent from all the others, i.e. you don't use it in isolation but in combination with one of the others.
Yep, I made an attempt to fix this...
KevinHock wrote: Also, you may want to run through a spell check; Summary is misspelled.
Thanks, I don't have a spell checker at the moment, but I made a mental pass through most of it and I think I got most of them...
Last edited by Ryan Norton on Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GianT »

Well, since eveyone understands the main idea, we don't care of spelling mistakes, it's already good having done and posted this tutorial, you are forgiven and thanked Ryan... :D But this makes me want to ask a question: are you paid for being moderators? (question to all moderators, not you particularly) Is it your job or are you just doing it while your spare time?? You can send me a private message if this is too indiscreet of me! ^^
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Post by Jorg »

Let me just answer that I (as the guy that hosts, maintains, and administrates the forum) do not pay Ryan. :-) We are all volunteers and I am happy so many people are enthousiastic!

ps. Anybody interested in some moderation job can ask me. It basically means editing posts and moving posts and warning people about xposting.

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Post by GianT »

Ok, it is noted. I will think about this after I have a real job and begin to earn my life :D
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Post by Ryan Norton »

Kind-of-Offtopic warning.

First, my sincere apologies to Kevin [Hock] for the socket stream rant.

I wish him and Julian (and Stefan?) all the best with the wxBook.

Kind of irrelevant now but back when Julian was asking for submissions for the wxBook I really wanted to work on the thing, but given the insecurities I had I didn't have the courage to ask.

Anyway, I'm sure the wxBook will be a huge success...

(for those wondering Kevin wrote the sockets chapter in there. His baby is bitwise which is a pretty good example of how to use sockets, mine is WikiServer which is an ok example).
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Post by Ryan Norton »

GianT wrote:Ok, it is noted. I will think about this after I have a real job and begin to earn my life :D
Heh heh. I've never had a "real job" in this business, so you're not alone. Believe it or not, this is my hobby (well, wikiserver and wx is, which makes for an insanely time-consuming hobby :lol: ).
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Post by Jorg »

Yep, I also have no luxury of being able to program wxWidgets at work. I do this in my spare time (and at work when I feel like some distraction). At work I develop Delphi medical software. Soon we will migrate to Delphi 7 (finally) and then to C#.NET .. which will take a while but it will be a blast ..

As for C++ / wxWidgets, I have been programming that language ever since I started developing applications.

- Jorgen
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