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Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:41 pm
by Loaden


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:54 am
by Utensil



Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:52 pm
by liuqi5521
bounds checker作为一个VC++的插件,主要的使用在IDE中,针对代码检查,这个时候准确性比较高。如果直接用它来查exe文件,我试过,效果并不好,该报告一个也没有报告出来。


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:49 am
by Loaden

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:28 am
by liuqi5521
想要检测内存泄露最好的方法就是那些集成在IDE中的插件,例如BoundsChecker,和VC++配合得很好。直接对EXE文件检测,难度很高,效果也很不好,目前最有名的IBM purify,也是仅能对VC++编译出的Debug版的EXE实现检测而已,对VC Release版程序都没有效果,更不要说gcc编译出的程序了。

当然IBM purify 有Linux版,对gcc编译出的可执行程序检测,只要编译时带上-g选项即可。

Windows下,对VC++的Release版EXE,或Gcc编译出的Exe,还没有太好的检测工具。当然,你的帖子是在讨论wxWidgets,那么我有一种方法,如果你的平台是Windows,不妨用VC++的编译器来编译wxWidgets,并且编译为Debug版来排错,这个时候,无论是BoundsChecker还是IBM purify,随便你选择哪一个好了。当然,这两个工具都有误报,他们报告的交集,基本上是泄露没错了。个人感觉IBM purify更强大一些,因为它还可以检测所有DLL中的错误。BoundsChecker仅仅检查代码里的错误,程序进到DLL里就不管了,哪怕是DLL释放了内存,它也不知道。

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:19 am
by Loaden

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:58 pm
by Utensil
所有使用动态内存分配(dynamic memory allocation)的程序都有机会遇上内存泄露(memory leakage)问题,在Linux里有三种常用工具来检测内存泄露的情況,包括:

1. mtrace
2. dmalloc
3. memwatch

可参见 ... index.html


论坛中有人推荐下面两个工具: 基于命令行的 基于类库的,你点Summary里的Website,进去可以看到文档和相关的文章。



Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:02 am
by Loaden

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:33 am
by arust
有人用过 wxWidgets 自带的内存检测工具吗?
Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets 里面是这样说的:

So how do you know whether your application is leaking memory? Various third-party memory-checking tools are available to do this and more, and wxWidgets has a simple built-in memory checker. To use this checker for your debug configuration, you need to set some switches in setup.h (Windows) or configure (other platforms or GCC on Windows).

On Windows, these are:


For configure, pass these switches:

--enable-debug --enable-mem_tracing --enable-debug_cntxt

There are some restrictions to this system: it doesn't work for MinGW or Cygwin (at the time of writing), and you cannot use wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS if you are using STL in your application or the CodeWarrior compiler.

If wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS is on, then all instances of the new operator in wxWidgets and your code will be defined to be new(__TFILE__,__LINE__), which has been reimplemented to use custom memory allocation and deletion routines. To use this version of new explicitly, without defining new, use WXDEBUG_NEW where you would normally write new.

The easiest way to use the memory checking system is to do nothing special at all: just run your application in the debugger, quit the application, and see if any memory leaks are reported. Here's an example of a report:

There were memory leaks.

- Memory dump -
.\memcheck.cpp(89): wxBrush at 0xBE44B8, size 12
..\..\src\msw\brush.cpp(233): non-object data at 0xBE55A8, size 44
.\memcheck.cpp(90): wxBitmap at 0xBE5088, size 12
..\..\src\msw\bitmap.cpp(524): non-object data at 0xBE6FB8, size 52
.\memcheck.cpp(93): non-object data at 0xBB8410, size 1000
.\memcheck.cpp(95): non-object data at 0xBE6F58, size 4
.\memcheck.cpp(98): non-object data at 0xBE6EF8, size 8

- Memory statistics -
1 objects of class wxBitmap, total size 12
5 objects of class nonobject, total size 1108
1 objects of class wxBrush, total size 12

Number of object items: 2
Number of non-object items: 5
Total allocated size: 1132

This example tells us that a wxBrush and a wxBitmap were allocated but not freed, along with some other objects whose class is unknown because they do not have wxWidgets type information. In some IDEs, you can double-click on the line with the error and see the source line at which the object was allocated. This functionality is a very good first step in tracking down the cause of the memory leak. For best results, add run-time type information (RTTI) to any classes that are descendants of wxObject. Add DECLARE_CLASS(class) in your class declaration and IMPLEMENT_CLASS(class, parentClass) somewhere in your implementation file.

The memory checking system also tries to catch memory overwrite and double-deletion bugs. The allocation routines write a special signature for a "good" block of memory and another signature for deleted memory. If the application tries to delete a block without the signature, the problem will be reported, as will a deletion that occurs when the block has already been deleted. This will make it easier to catch the kind of memory bugs that only cause problems some time after the real error has occurred.

Using static members of the wxDebugContext class, you can get a listing of the current objects in the system with PrintClasses or show a count of objects and non-objects (those without wxWidgets RTTI information) with PrintStatistics. Using SetCheckpoint, you can tell wxDebugContext to only show statistics from the checkpoint onwards, ignoring memory allocations done prior to this point. For more details, see samples/memcheck and the reference for wxDebugContext.

Instead of using the basic system in wxWidgets, you may want to use a commercial tool such as BoundsChecker, Purify, or AQtime, or a free alternative such as StackWalker, ValGrind, Electric Fence, or MMGR from Fluid Studios. If you are using Visual C++, wxWidgets uses the compiler's standard leak detection, which doesn't report class names but gives you the line numbers. For best results, make sure wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS is set to 1 in setup.h. Because it redefines new, you might need to disable it if it causes problems with other libraries.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:21 am
by ollydbg23
Loaden wrote:发现一个开源的,并且作者是中国人!
