wxAutoExcel 2.0.0 Small example using Visual Studio 2022

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wxAutoExcel 2.0.0 Small example using Visual Studio 2022

Post by carlosrnardi »

This small example show how to configure Visual Studio to use the wxAutoExcel library. *In this example I´m using static libraries.

Follow the steps to create a project, If You need to compile the wxAutoExcel static libraries, follow these steps from here viewtopic.php?f=29&t=49419

Creating a project

01 - Create an empty project.


02 - Create cApp class files


Code: Select all

#pragma once
#pragma comment( lib, "wxAutoExcel20.lib" )

#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/wxAutoExcel.h"

class cApp : public wxApp
	cApp() = default;
	~cApp() = default;

	virtual bool OnInit();

Code: Select all

#include "cApp.h"
using namespace wxAutoExcel;


bool cApp::OnInit()

    wxExcelApplication app = wxExcelApplication::CreateInstance();

    if (!app)
        wxLogError(_("Could not launch Microsoft Excel. Please check that it is properly installed."));

    wxExcelWorkbook workbook = app.GetWorkbooks().Add();
    if (!workbook)
        wxLogError(_("Failed to create a new workbook."));

    wxExcelRange range = workbook.GetWorksheets()[1].GetRange("A1");
    range = "Hello, World!";


	return true;
03 - Linker / System - Subsystem - (/SUBSYTEM:WINDOWS)
Make sure the SubSystem configuration is configured as SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS for all configuration types.

04 - Add library path to include directory list
Add this wxAutoExcel library path to the directory list - $(WXWIN)\include;$(WXWIN)\include\msvc;$(WXEXCEL)\include
in the example above the WXWIN environment variable is related to the wxWidgets path.

05 - Add library path for each Configuration x Platform type.
  • x64 - $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_x64_lib;$(WXEXCEL)\out\build\x64\lib
  • x64 Debug - $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_x64_lib;$(WXEXCEL)\out\build\x64-Debug\lib
  • x86 - $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_lib;$(WXEXCEL)\out\build\x86\lib
  • x86 Debug - $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_lib;$(WXEXCEL)\out\build\x86-Debug\lib


Hope that helps!