wxDev-C++ for Visual C++

If you are using wxDev-C++ for your wxWidgets design, please ask your questions here instead of in IDE Related.
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Post by ross »

Hi Joel,

Why are you reluctant to fix the link to the instruction page?

http://wxdsgn.sourceforge.net/tutorial/ ... tions.html

Makes life much easier to check that everything is in the right place rather than fixing it line by line via postings here!

I tried what you suggested and this is what I get:

Compiler: VC2003
Building Makefile: "C:\wxDev-C++\Projects\p1\Makefile.win"
Executing make clean
rm -f Project1App.obj Project1Frm.obj C:/wxDev-C++/Projects/p1/Project1_private.res Project1.exe

cl.exe /nologo /c Project1App.cpp /FoProject1App.obj /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /D_UNICODE /D__WXMSW__ /DWIN32 /DWXUSINGDLL /D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 /MD /EHa /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze


cl.exe /nologo /c Project1Frm.cpp /FoProject1Frm.obj /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /D_UNICODE /D__WXMSW__ /DWIN32 /DWXUSINGDLL /D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 /MD /EHa /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze


make.exe: *** No rule to make target `C:/wxDev-C++/Projects/p1/Project1_private.res', needed by `Project1.exe'. Stop.

Execution terminated
Compilation successful
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Post by lowjoel »

I'm reluctant to because we do not have enough people trying to use this branch. Hence I can't compile a list of things to do. Did you try to use the VC Environment setup?

P/s theres a new alpha release on my site, same address.
Pp/s please email me the generated makefile.
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Post by ross »

Well you refered to those instruction ealier in this thread so I dont quite understand why you would have taken them down? From my end it is getting pretty frustrating try to patch things one line at a time.

Regarding you other comments:
Yes I've tried using the vcenv.exe.

A couple of issues:
1)VC++ toolkit not detected- as expected since no longer available
2)Enviroment variables incomplete- cant comment, dont know what they should be.
3) keep getting an error g++ listed twice????

ps I have VC3002 & vc2005 installed on my machine not the tool kit. The lack of tool kit seems to cause all sorts of problems.
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Post by ross »

OK I've just tried your latest build.

Here is the make file

# Project: Project1
# Makefile created by wxDev-C++ 6.10 on 06/07/06 08:49
# Compiler:
# CompilerType: 1

CPP = cl.exe /nologo
CC = cl.exe /nologo
WINDRES = rc.exe
RES = C:/wxDev-C++/Projects/p1/Project1_private.res
OBJ = Project1App.obj Project1Frm.obj $(RES)
LINKOBJ = Project1App.obj Project1Frm.obj $(RES)
LIBS = /libpath:"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/lib" /libpath:"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Common7/IDE" /libpath:"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Lib" /libpath:"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll" /libpath:"C:/wxDev-C++/lib" /libpath:"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" wxmsw27u.lib wxtiff.lib wxjpeg.lib wxpng.lib wxzlib.lib wxregexu.lib wxexpat.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib opengl32.lib
INCS = /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include"
CXXINCS = /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include"
RCINCS = /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/bin"
BIN = Project1.exe
CXXFLAGS = $(CXXINCS) $(DEFINES) /MD /EHa /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze
CFLAGS = $(INCS) $(DEFINES) /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze
GPROF = gprof.exe
RM = rm -f
LINK = link.exe /nologo

.PHONY: all all-before all-after clean clean-custom
all: all-before Project1.exe all-after

clean: clean-custom
$(RM) $(OBJ) $(BIN)

$(BIN): $(OBJ)
$(LINK) $(LINKOBJ) /out:"Project1.exe" $(LIBS)

Project1App.obj: Project1App.cpp
$(CPP) /c Project1App.cpp /FoProject1App.obj $(CXXFLAGS)

Project1Frm.obj: Project1Frm.cpp
$(CPP) /c Project1Frm.cpp /FoProject1Frm.obj $(CXXFLAGS)

Project1_private.res: Project1_private.rc Project1App.rc
$(WINDRES) /r /fo"$(RES)" $(RCINCS) Project1_private.rc

build log
Compiler: VC2003
Building Makefile: "C:\wxDev-C++\Projects\p1\Makefile.win"
Executing make clean
rm -f Compiled/Project1App.obj Compiled/Project1Frm.obj Compiled/Project1_private.res Compiled/Project1.exe

cl.exe /nologo /c Project1App.cpp /FoCompiled/Project1App.obj /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /D_UNICODE /D__WXMSW__ /DWIN32 /DWXUSINGDLL /D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 /MD /EHa /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze


cl.exe /nologo /c Project1Frm.cpp /FoCompiled/Project1Frm.obj /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/lib/vc_dll/mswu/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" /D_UNICODE /D__WXMSW__ /DWIN32 /DWXUSINGDLL /D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 /DwxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU=1 /MD /EHa /QIfdiv /QI0f /QIfist /Ze


rc.exe /r /fo"Compiled/Project1_private.res" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" Compiled/Project1_private.rc

C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/msw/chkconf.h(34) : warning RC4011: identifier truncated to 'wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT_ARCHITECTURE_I'

C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/wxchar.h(58) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'stdarg.h'.

make.exe: *** [Compiled/Project1_private.res] Error 1

Execution terminated
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Post by lowjoel »

Go to tools > compiler options > paths > resource includes > add your %VC2003%\include path
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Post by ross »

Ok now I get

rc.exe /r /fo"Compiled/Project1_private.res" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/include" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/msw" /I"C:/wxDev-C++/include" Compiled/Project1_private.rc

C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/msw/chkconf.h(34) : warning RC4011: identifier truncated to 'wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT_ARCHITECTURE_I'

C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/wxchar.h(665) : error RC2188: C:/wxDev-C++/include/wx/buffer.h(114) : fatal error RC10056: make.exe: *** [Compiled/Project1_private.res] Error 2

Execution terminated
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Post by lowjoel »

please show me all the RC files (icluding those included by projectName_private.rc)

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Post by ross »

Hi Joel,

What should the environment variables look like for PATH, LIB & INCLUDE?
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Post by ross »

Ok with some mucking around I now get a linking error:

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'wxtiff.lib'

make.exe: *** [Project1.exe] Error 1181

Execution terminated

I can find any of the libs anywhere. Where should they be?
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Post by ross »

Just another point,

is this branch also supposed to handle the gcc compiler. If so there are some real problems. If not then all I guess??? is ok
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Post by ross »

project options do not over ride tools compiler options
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Post by ross »

Ok I've come to the conclution that this alpha really is broken. literally nothing works.

I appreciate that a lot of work has been done but the build seems to have gone backwards at this stage. Cant even compile a simple project with gcc.

Hope I'm just too early in expecting this to work and things will get back on track at some later date.
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Post by lowjoel »

Instead of lamenting, can you please explain how to reproduce the steps? I know how you feel, being frustrated that it does not work, but I think this would be a better way for me to try to get it fixed.

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Post by ross »

Hi Joel,

It would be easier if you list what the config settings should be, ie eviroments variables and compiler option settings and project option settings. That way its easy for me to see what I've done wrong from the get go. Also easy for me to see what vcenv.exe has done correctly and incorrectly.

Then I can give meaningful feed back. At the moment I've no idea what is and isnt correct therefore I cant inform you as to whats right and whats not. We just keep playing forum pingpong chasing each others tails.

If you want some feed back on alphas & betas and if your going to provide downloads for installation then it only makes sense to provide some useful info, ie an instruction page, rather then keeping it some big secret. Other wise all there is is lamenting. Lamenting the time wasted achieving very little.

I really like wxDevcpp and respect & appreciate the time & effort put in. I have been trying to use it to compile a project as a demo at work. If you want to put something up similar to

http://reina.homedns.org/wxdevcpp/wxdev ... tions.html

then I'll give it another go.

Otherwise I have to move on and revert to just plane old VC.
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Post by ross »


you'll be pleased to know that I have your wxdevcpp6.9_vc working.
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