[Code] A class for the wxFileConfig

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[Code] A class for the wxFileConfig

Post by lfjking »

Thanks for the help from the forum.

I have encountered a lot of problems in the use of wxFileConfig.
But I solved it.
Now I've posted the class I made.
So as not to repeat these mistakes

//Using wxFileConfig, it should be seen as a path rather than a MAP

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#ifndef USCONFIG_H
#define USCONFIG_H

#include <wx/fileconf.h>

class USConfig : public wxFileConfig
        /** Default constructor */
        USConfig(const wxString& localFile);
        /** Default destructor */
        virtual ~USConfig();

        void SetSection(const wxString& sec);

        bool SetItem(const wxString& key, const wxString& value);
        bool SetItem(const wxString& key, long value);

        wxString GetItem(const wxString& key);
        long GetItem(const wxString& key, long defult );

        void AllSection(wxArrayString &setionlist);
        void AllKey(wxArrayString &keylist);


        wxString mSection;//

#endif // USCONFIG_H

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#include "USConfig.h"

USConfig::USConfig(const wxString& localFile)
    :wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, localFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH)


void USConfig::SetSection(const wxString& sec)
    mSection = sec;
    wxString sSec = wxString::Format(_T("/%s"),mSection);

bool USConfig::SetItem(const wxString& key, const wxString& value)
    wxString skey = wxString::Format(_T("/%s/%s"),mSection, key);
    return Write(skey, value);

bool USConfig::SetItem(const wxString& key, long value)
    wxString skey = wxString::Format(_T("/%s/%s"),mSection, key);
    return Write(skey, value);

wxString USConfig::GetItem(const wxString& key)
    wxString skey = wxString::Format(_T("/%s/%s"),mSection, key);
    return Read(skey);

long USConfig::GetItem(const wxString& key, long defult)
    wxString skey = wxString::Format(_T("/%s/%s"),mSection, key);
    return Read(skey, defult);

void USConfig::AllSection(wxArrayString& setionlist)
    wxString ret;
    long sid;
    SetPath(_T("/"));//Must return to the root or else it will not be found
    bool sok = GetFirstGroup(ret, sid);
        sok = GetNextGroup(ret, sid);

void USConfig::AllKey(wxArrayString& keylist)
    wxString ret;
    long sid;
    SetPath(_T("/"));//Must return to the root or else it will not be found
    bool sok = GetFirstEntry(ret, sid);
        sok = GetNextEntry(ret, sid);

For example: I need to define two ports on different devices, and can't be the same as other devices.

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		wxString GDevice(wxT("adbcdgdad");
		long GPortA = 0, GPortB = 0;
		USConfig config(_T("Config.ini"));
		GPortA = config.GetItem(_T("ProtA"), 0);
		GPortB = config.GetItem(_T("ProtB"), 0);
        	if(GPortA == 0 || GPortB == 0)
			int PortA = (int)((1000) + (rand()%100 + 1));//Port int 1000- 1199
			int PortB = PortA + 1;
			wxString str;
			long nIndex;
			wxArrayString sectiongroup;
				size_t nCount = sectiongroup.GetCount();
				for(size_t n = 0; n < nCount; n++)
					long porta = config.GetItem(_T("ProtA"), 0);
					long portb = config.GetItem(_T("ProtB"), 0);
					if(PortA == porta || PortB == porta || PortA == portb || PortB == portb)
						//some other , take again
						PortA = (int)((1000) + (rand()%100 + 1));////Port int 1000- 1199
						PortB = PortA + 1;
						n = -1;//for will +1,  Cmp form head;
			config.SetSection(GDevice);//must be do it
			GPortA = PortA;
			GPortB = PortB;
			config.Write(_T("ProtA"), GPortA);
			config.Write(_T("ProtB"), GPortB);

Some people can optimize the USConfig is very much better and better :D :D :D :D :D