Knob Control

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Post by pkoning »

Here's a (fairly crude but functional) implementation, in case anyone else is interested.



Code: Select all

// Name:        knob.h
// Purpose:     rotary knob control
// Author:      Paul Koning
// Modified by:
// Created:     08/01/2005
// Copyright:   (c) Paul Koning
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

// Define a custom control that looks like a rotary knob
class wxKnob : public wxControl
    wxKnob () : wxControl () { }
    wxKnob (wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, int value,
            int minValue, int maxValue,
            unsigned int minAngle = 240, unsigned int range = 300,
            const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, 
            const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize, 
            long style = 0,
            const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator,
            const wxString &name = wxT ("knob"))
        Create (parent, id, value, minValue, maxValue,
                minAngle, range, pos, size, style, validator, name );
    void Create (wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, int value,
                 int minValue, int maxValue,
                 unsigned int minAngle = 240, unsigned int range = 300,
                 const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition, 
                 const wxSize &size = wxSize (30, 30), 
                 long style = 0,
                 const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator,
                 const wxString &name = wxT ("knob"));

    // retrieve/change the range
    void SetRange (int minValue, int maxValue);
    int GetMin() const { return m_min; }
    int GetMax() const { return m_max; }
    void SetMin (int minValue) { SetRange( minValue , GetMax() ) ; }
    void SetMax (int maxValue) { SetRange( GetMin() , maxValue ) ; }
    unsigned int GetMinAngle() const { return (m_maxAngle - m_range) % 360; }
    int GetMaxAngle() const { return m_maxAngle; }
    int GetValue () const { return m_setting; }
    int SetValue (int value);

    int m_min;
    int m_max;
    int m_setting;
    unsigned int m_maxAngle;
    unsigned int m_range;

    void GetCenter (int &x, int &y) const;
    void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event);
    void OnMouse (wxMouseEvent &event);


Code: Select all

// Name:        knob.cpp
// Purpose:     rotary knob control
// Author:      Paul Koning
// Modified by:
// Created:     08/01/2005
// Copyright:   (c) Paul Koning
// Licence:     wxWindows licence

#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
    #pragma implementation "knob.h"

// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
    #pragma hdrstop

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
    #include "wx/control.h"
    #include "wx/settings.h"
    #include "wx/dc.h"
    #include "wx/dcclient.h"
#endif // WX_PRECOMP

#include "knob.h"
#include <math.h>

#define PI 3.14159265358969323846
#define irnd(x) (int (round (x)))

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the wxKnob class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    EVT_PAINT       (wxKnob::OnPaint)
    EVT_LEFT_DOWN   (wxKnob::OnMouse)
    EVT_LEFT_UP     (wxKnob::OnMouse)
    EVT_MOTION      (wxKnob::OnMouse)

// Constructor
void wxKnob::Create (wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, int value,
                     int minValue, int maxValue,
                     unsigned int minAngle, unsigned int range,
                     const wxPoint &pos, 
                     const wxSize &size, 
                     long style,
                     const wxValidator &validator,
                     const wxString &name)
    wxControl::Create (parent, id);
    SetInitialBestSize (size);
//    SetClientSize (size);
    m_min = minValue;
    m_max = maxValue;
    range %= 360;
    minAngle %= 360;
    m_maxAngle = (minAngle + 360 - range) % 360;
    m_range = range;
    SetValue (value);

void wxKnob::SetRange (int minValue, int maxValue)
    if (minValue < maxValue)
        m_min = minValue;
        m_max = maxValue;
        SetValue (m_setting);
int wxKnob::SetValue (int value)
    if (value < m_min)
        value = m_min;
    if (value > m_max)
        value = m_max;
    if (value != m_setting)
        m_setting = value;
        Refresh ();
        Update ();

void wxKnob::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    int sizeX, sizeY;
    double theta;
    double dx, dy;
    int cx, cy;
    int r, r2;
    wxSize s = GetSize ();
    theta = (PI / 180.) * (m_maxAngle +
                           (((double) m_max - m_setting) / (m_max - m_min))
                           * m_range);
    dx = cos (theta);
    dy = -sin (theta);      // - because of upside down coordinates
    wxPaintDC dc(this);

    GetCenter (cx, cy);
    r = irnd (((s.x < s.y) ? s.x : s.y) * .48);
    r2 = irnd (r * .6);

    dc.SetPen (*wxBLACK_PEN);
    dc.DrawCircle (cx, cy, r);
    dc.DrawLine (cx + irnd (r * dx), cy + irnd (r * dy),
                 cx + irnd (r2 * dx), cy + irnd (r2 * dy));


void wxKnob::OnMouse (wxMouseEvent &event)
    int cx, cy;
    double dx, dy, theta, dt;
    int newval;
    wxEventType scrollEvent = wxEVT_NULL ;
    if (event.Moving ())
        event.Skip ();
    GetCenter (cx, cy);
    dx = event.m_x - cx;
    dy = cy - event.m_y;
    if (dx == 0. && dy == 0.)
    theta = atan2 (dy, dx) * 180. / PI;
    if (theta < 0.)
        theta += 360.;
    dt = theta - m_maxAngle;
    if (dt < 0.)
        dt += 360;
    if (dt > m_range)
    newval = int (m_max - (dt / m_range) * (m_max - m_min));

    SetValue (newval);
    if (event.Dragging () || event.ButtonUp ())
        if (event.ButtonUp ())
            scrollEvent = wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE;
            scrollEvent = wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK;
        wxScrollEvent event (scrollEvent, m_windowId);
        event.SetPosition (newval);
        event.SetEventObject (this);
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event);

        wxCommandEvent cevent (wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED, m_windowId);
        cevent.SetInt (newval);
        cevent.SetEventObject (this);
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (cevent);

void wxKnob::GetCenter (int &x, int &y) const
    wxSize s = GetSize ();
    x = s.x / 2;
    y = s.y / 2;
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Post by upCASE »

Thanks for contributing this. May I suggest you post it at the "code dump" section of this forum and consider posting it on
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wx: svn
Compiler: gcc 4.5.1, VC 2008, eVC 4

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Post by jsoldi »

Hi I tryed to compile your class but I got this error:

1>.\Knob.cpp(113) : error C3861: 'round': identifier not found

What is "round"?
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Post by Jorg »

It is declared in math.h .. Maybe you have to explicity include it in your source. It might be that on some platforms it was already defined.

- Jorgen
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Post by lowjoel »

I don't remember having a round(). In <cmath> IIRC there's only floor() and ceil() but no round...

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Post by MacLanthan »


Code: Select all

int wxKnob::SetValue (int value)
    if (value < m_min)
        value = m_min;
    if (value > m_max)
        value = m_max;
    if (value != m_setting)
        m_setting = value;
        Refresh ();
        Update ();
a return value of type integer ist declared, but no return value is given.
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Post by Troels »

wxRound() should do the job.

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