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MFC-like Containers

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:31 pm
by dirkmausf
Hi all!

First of all i have to say: I love wxWidgets!

Im using it everyday and in nearly all of my projects and i am very happy with it.

Since i have many old MFC related projects that i want to convert with the fewest possible effort, i have written two little container classes that look a bit like the MFC couterpart.

The first is a Remake of CArray called wxCArray (wxArray still exists). Second is the remake of CMap class (called wxMap), that i used very often.

Both of them are utilizing STL classes (vector<> and map<>).

Have fun with it... its yours now

Code: Select all

#pragma once

#include <vector>

template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE = const TYPE&>
class wxCArray : public wxObject
// Construction
	wxCArray() {};

// Attributes
	int GetSize()		{ return (int)m_oArray.capacity(); }
	int GetCount()		{ return (int)m_oArray.size(); }
	bool IsEmpty()		{ return m_oArray.empty(); }
	int GetUpperBound() { return (int)m_oArray.max_size(); }
	void SetSize(int nNewSize)  { m_oArray.resize(nNewSize); }

// Operations
	// Clean up
	void FreeExtra()		{ /*return m_oArray.();*/ }
	void RemoveAll()		{ m_oArray.clear(); }	

	// Accessing elements
	TYPE& GetAt(int nIndex) { return m_oArray[nIndex]; }
	void SetAt(int nIndex, ARG_TYPE newElement) { m_oArray[nIndex] = newElement; }
	TYPE& ElementAt(int nIndex)  { return m_oArray[nIndex]; }

	int Add(ARG_TYPE newElement) { m_oArray.push_back(newElement); return (int)m_oArray.size()-1; }
	int Append(const wxCArray& src) { for (int i=0; i<src.Count(); i++) m_oArray.push_back(src[i]);  }
	void Copy(const wxCArray& src)  { m_oArray.assign(src); }

	TYPE& operator[](int nIndex)  { return m_oArray[nIndex]; }

	// Operations that move elements around
	void InsertAt(int nIndex, ARG_TYPE newElement) { m_oArray.insert(m_oArray.begin()+nIndex, newElement); } 
	void RemoveAt(int nIndex) { m_oArray.erase(m_oArray.begin()+nIndex); }

	int Lookup(ARG_TYPE CompElement) { for (int i=0; i<GetCount(); i++) { if (GetAt(i)==CompElement) return i;} return -1; }

// Implementation
	std::vector<TYPE> m_oArray;

	~wxCArray() {};



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#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <iterator>

template<class KEY, class ARG_KEY, class VALUE, class ARG_VALUE>
class wxCMap : public wxObject
// Construction
	wxCMap(int nBlockSize = 10) { };

	typedef std::map<KEY,VALUE> BaseMap;

// Attributes
	// number of elements
	int GetCount() { return m_oMap.size(); };
	int GetSize() { return m_oMap.size(); };
	BOOL IsEmpty() { return m_oMap.empty(); };

	// Lookup
	void Lookup(ARG_KEY key, VALUE& rValue) { rValue = m_oMap[key]; }
	VALUE Lookup(ARG_KEY key) { return m_oMap[key]; }

	// Operations
	// Lookup and add if not there
	VALUE& operator[](ARG_KEY key)  { return m_oMap[key]; }; 

	// add a new (key, value) pair
	void SetAt(ARG_KEY key, ARG_VALUE newValue) { m_oMap[key] = newValue; }

	// removing existing (key, ?) pair
	BOOL RemoveKey(ARG_KEY key) { m_oMap.erase(key); return true; }
	void RemoveAll() { m_oMap.clear(); }

	int GetStartPosition() { return m_oMap.begin(); }  

	VALUE& GetAt(int Position)
		return m_oMap.find(m_oMap.begin()+Position);

	void GetNextAssoc(int Position, KEY& rKey, VALUE& rValue)
		rValue = m_oMap.find(m_oMap.begin()+Position);

// Implementation
	BaseMap m_oMap;

	~wxCMap() {};


Byebye, Dirk
