wxQuantize workaround

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wxQuantize workaround

Post by Troels »

The docs doesn't mention it, but wxQuantize works well only with photo-like images (jpeg). You may feel tempted to call wxQuantize with simple computer-made images (png,xpm), to obtain the palettes from such images. Unfortunately, this will typically produce
- inaccurate palettes, holding slighty changed RGB-values
- uncalled-for dithering in the returned image, rendering it useless (unless a photo)

- wxImage_Quantize() below gives you a much better chance of receiving sensible palettes and images back from different types of images, as it will bypass wxQuantize unless really needed.
- The implementation is somewhat hampered by wx not providing the wxColourArray class, sorely missed (together with wxBitmapArray and wxIconArray - wxImageArray exists but is somewhat hidden away). Also, the helper function wxColourArray_ToPalette may hurt your eyes (the newnewnew + delete[]delete[]delete[] construct is tremendously ugly)
- Compiles with VC/gcc/MinGW, wxMSW/wxGTK, 2.8.9/2.9
- More info:

Code: Select all

class wxImage;
extern bool wxImage_Quantize(wxImage* image, size_t desiredNoColours, 
                             unsigned char** eightBitData = NULL, size_t colorcount = 0);


#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/quantize.h>
#include <wx/arrimpl.cpp>

#if wxUSE_STL
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class wxColourArray : public std::vector<wxColour>
   size_t index(const wxColour& color)
      return std::distance(begin(), std::find(begin(), end(), color));
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxColour, wxColourArrayBase);
class wxColourArray : public wxColourArrayBase
   void clear() { Clear(); }
   const wxColour& at(size_t index) const { return Item(index); }

// According to docs wxObjArray.Index() is not working  -
// and indeed it isn't. Roll our own...
   size_t index(const wxColour& color)
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++)
         if (at(i) == color) break;
      return i;

size_t wxColourArray_ToPalette(const wxColourArray& array, wxPalette* pal)
   const size_t count = array.size();
   unsigned char* r = new unsigned char[count];
   unsigned char* g = new unsigned char[count];
   unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[count];

   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
      const wxColour& col = array.at(i);
      r[i] = col.Red();
      g[i] = col.Green();
      b[i] = col.Blue();

   pal->operator=(wxPalette(count, r, g, b));
   return count;

bool wxImage_Quantize(wxImage* image, size_t desiredNoColours, 
                      unsigned char** eightBitData, size_t colorcount)
   bool ok = true;
   wxPalette* pal = NULL;

   if (0 == colorcount) colorcount = image->CountColours(); // expensive

   // Only do quantizing if absolutely required -
   // wxQuantize works well for jpeg-type photo quality images
   // but is known to ruin images of other types
   if (colorcount > desiredNoColours)
      // reduce BPP
      wxImage temp;
      ok = wxQuantize::Quantize(*image, temp, &pal, desiredNoColours,
           | (eightBitData ? wxQUANTIZE_RETURN_8BIT_DATA : 0)
      if (ok)
   else if (colorcount <= 256)
      // Quantizing not required -
      // just create and attach corresponding palette
      wxColourArray array;

      const int width = image->GetWidth();
      const int height = image->GetHeight();

      if (eightBitData) *eightBitData = new wxByte[width*height];

      wxByte* bits = image->GetData();
      for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
         for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
            const int index     = j*width + i;
            const int index_rgb = index*3;
            const wxColour color(
               bits[index_rgb + 0],
               bits[index_rgb + 1],

               bits[index_rgb + 2]
            const size_t pal_index = array.index(color);
            if (pal_index == array.size())
            if (eightBitData) (*eightBitData)[index] = (wxByte)pal_index;
      wxASSERT(array.size() == colorcount);
      pal = new wxPalette;
      wxColourArray_ToPalette(array, pal);
   if (pal)
      if (ok) image->SetPalette(*pal);
   return ok;
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