Transparent Static Text Control

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Transparent Static Text Control

Post by pidel »

I needed a StaticText Control with transparent background, but my search on this forum and on other sites didn
Systems: Mac OSX 10.4.8, OpenSuSE 10.2, WinXP SP2
wxWidgets: 2.8.0
IDE: KDevelop 3.3.4, Xcode 2.4, wxDev-C++ 6.10
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Post by pidel »

I just noticed some weird behaviour when using more than one instance (two in my case), the OnPaint event draws on both instances when one of them is changed with ctrl->SetLabel(). Using a wxPaintDC instead of the wxAutoBufferedDC makes the background transparent but lets the desktop shine through instead of the panels background. I
Systems: Mac OSX 10.4.8, OpenSuSE 10.2, WinXP SP2
wxWidgets: 2.8.0
IDE: KDevelop 3.3.4, Xcode 2.4, wxDev-C++ 6.10
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Re: Transparent Static Text Control

Post by wxBen »

I needed the same and found the following somewhere while Googling. It works well.

Any thoughts on whether I should submit a patch around this for consideration? Or is an entire Windows specific class a little specialized?

Code: Select all

class TransparentStaticText : public wxStaticText
   DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS (TransparentStaticText)

   TransparentStaticText(wxWindow* parent,
                         wxWindowID id,
                         const wxString& label,
                         const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                         const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                         long style = 0,
                         const wxString& name= wxStaticTextNameStr)
      Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style, name);

   bool Create(wxWindow* parent,
               wxWindowID id,
               const wxString& label,
               const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
               const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
               long style = 0,
               const wxString& name= wxStaticTextNameStr)
      bool ret = wxStaticText::Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style|wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW, name);
      return ret;
   virtual void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
      wxPaintDC dc(this);
      dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), 0, 0); // simple, no aligment check

IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS (TransparentStaticText, wxStaticText)

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(TransparentStaticText, wxStaticText)
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Re: Transparent Static Text Control

Post by PB »

wxBen wrote:Any thoughts on whether I should submit a patch around this for consideration?
My 2 cents: No.

As I see it, that custom "static text" doesn't seem to have much in common with a real wxStaticText. Does it honour text alignment? Does it support text markup? Does it support ellipsization and wrapping? It looks like it fails even at basic keyboard short cut drawing (a character following an ampersand should be drawn underlined) and as its side effect it also reports wrong control size (as if ampersand was not drawn, resulting in the control size being too small).

wxWidgets reference manual wrote:Paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted.
Please notice that in general it is impossible to change the drawing of a standard control (such as wxButton) and so you shouldn't attempt to handle paint events for them as even if it might work on some platforms, this is inherently not portable and won't work everywhere.
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Re: Transparent Static Text Control

Post by wxBen »

Rather than the TransparentStaticText class, which should really not be necessary yet there is no workaround, I believe I have fixed the root cause of these issues, as explained here:

The proposed code change allows you to have a truly transparent static text over something like a ribbon bar which has a gradient colour background using code like this:

wxStaticText* text = new wxStaticText(panel, wxID_ANY, wxT("StaticText"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW);

This, and transparent checkboxes, is also demonstrated in the ribbon bar demo sample, proposed version that is.
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