Compile new wxSqlite3 4.7.4

Do you have a question about makefiles, a compiler or IDE you are using and need to know how to set it up for wxWidgets or why it doesn't compile but other IDE's do ? Post your questions here.
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Compile new wxSqlite3 4.7.4

Post by pallonz »


I try to compile the last version of wxSqlite3 4.7.4, using MinGW 8.1 on windows and the last wxWidget 3.1.5 built with this configuration: SHARED=1, MONOLITHIC=0, UNICODE=1 and BUILD=release
I set the environmental variable WXWIN = "C:\wxWidgets-3.1.5", according to the config.gcc file, where there is the source code.
When i try to build the wxSqlite 4.7.4 with the command:

mingw32-make -j4 makefile config=release_dll_win64 all

I receive the following error:

../src/wxsqlite3.cpp:17:10: fatal error: wx/wxprec.h: No such file or directory
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
compilation terminated.

I think that I have to modify the part of wxsqlite3.make file regarding the release_dll_win64 config in order to point the right paths:

INCLUDES += -I"$(wxRootDir)/lib/$(wxCompilerPrefix)$(wxArchSuffix)_dll/msw$(wxSuffix)" -I"$(wxRootDir)/include" -I../include -I../src

but I don't know which part have to be modify or if it is necessary add another path.

I also tried to use the precompiled wxWidget for MinGW 8.1.0 64 bit: in the config.gcc file I changed the wxCompilerPrefix from gcc to gcc810 but i received the same error.

can someone help me?
