Codeblocks : Convert console app to wxWidget app

Do you have a question about makefiles, a compiler or IDE you are using and need to know how to set it up for wxWidgets or why it doesn't compile but other IDE's do ? Post your questions here.
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Codeblocks : Convert console app to wxWidget app

Post by chandimafdo2 »

Hi, I used $catkin_make --force-cmake -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" to generate a CMake linked console codeblocks project in Ubuntu 18.04 (Codeblocks version 20.03). It works fine. I want add a GUI to the project using wxWidgets. However, there is no way to link wxWidget library and I appreciate any help. (There is online help for Windows installation, however, project -> properties in Ubuntu installation of Codeblocks seems to be different form the Windows installation).