wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build! Topic is solved

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wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by tomay3000 »

I am trying to debug a simple wxWidgets application with C::B using a Unicode Build.
The problem is that the values of any wxString in the watch list are incorrect.
I have debugged the value when it was in a wxChar[1024] variable, it was correct (visible in the watch list).
But when it has been transferred to the wxString one, then the troubles begin happening.

Code: Select all

wxChar  szValueName[1024];
<--- Good

Code: Select all

strValueName = szValueName;
<--- Bad (strValueName shows "" empty string)

what could be the cause?

Help me please. [-o<

Thank you for your understanding.

I am using Windows XP SP3 32bit under VMware Workstation, with C::B svn 11021 and TDM-GCC-32 v5.1.0 and wxWidgets 3.1.0
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Re: wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by marcelinux »

I just need learn a little bit more. Thank you for your help.
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Re: wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by eranon »

To watch wxString in C::B, you need a Python enabled debugger and provide some commands of initialization in settings.
[Ind. dev. - wxWidgets 3.0/3.1 under "Win 7 64-bit, TDM64-GCC" + "OS X 10.9, LLVM Clang"]
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Re: wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by stahta01 »

On the Code::Blocks forum, they are always mentioning gdb pretty printers in relation to this type of debugger issue.
I do NOT use the CB Debugger; so, I never looked up what they meant.

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Re: wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by tomay3000 »

eranon wrote:To watch wxString in C::B, you need a Python enabled debugger and provide some commands of initialization in settings.
Could you please give me the pretty printer python script for wxString.

Thank you.
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Re: wxString not shown in watch list under C::B with Unicode Build!

Post by eranon »

tomay3000 wrote:Could you please give me the pretty printer python script for wxString.
Thank you.
I configured this long time ago and don't know if there's better since this date, but here is what's in my C::B settings (Settings->Debugger->Init commands) in Windows (on Mac, I don't use the debugger from C::B):

Code: Select all

import sys
import gdb
import wxprint
set print pretty 1
My default (the one in PATH) Python is 2.7 and here is the referenced wxprint.py script in my MinGW64 (aka. TDM-GCC 86_64) tree:

Code: Select all

# Name:         misc/gdb/print.py
# Purpose:      pretty-printers for wx data structures: this file is meant to
#               be sourced from gdb using "source -p" (or, better, autoloaded
#               in the future...)
# Author:       Vadim Zeitlin
# Created:      2009-01-04
# RCS-Id:       $Id$
# Copyright:    (c) 2009 Vadim Zeitlin
# Licence:      wxWindows licence

# Define wxFooPrinter class implementing (at least) to_string() method for each
# wxFoo class we want to pretty print. Then just add wxFoo to the types array
# in wxLookupFunction at the bottom of this file.

# MODded by 'eranon' (name used on wxWidgets and C::B forums), 2013-02-11 :
# To be OK w/ 64-bit target linked w/ wxWidgets 2.9.4 & debugged w/ GDB x64,
# I've imported the string module and changed the wxStringPrinter::to_string()
# function to well decode the returned string
# REF : http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,17502.0.html

import datetime
import gdb
import string

# shamelessly stolen from std::string example
class wxStringPrinter:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def to_string(self):
        buff = self.val['m_impl']['_M_dataplus']['_M_p'].string()
        return buff.decode('utf-16', 'ignore')

    def display_hint(self):
        return 'string'

class wxDateTimePrinter:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def to_string(self):
        # A value of type wxLongLong can't be used in Python arithmetic
        # expressions directly so we need to convert it to long long first and
        # then cast to int explicitly to be able to use it as a timestamp.
        msec = self.val['m_time'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('long long'))
        if msec == 0x8000000000000000:
            return 'NONE'
        sec = int(msec / 1000)
        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(sec).isoformat(' ')

class wxFileNamePrinter:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def to_string(self):
        # It is simpler to just call the internal function here than to iterate
        # over m_dirs array ourselves. The disadvantage of this approach is
        # that it requires a live inferior process and so doesn't work when
        # debugging using only a core file. If this ever becomes a serious
        # problem, this should be rewritten to use m_dirs and m_name and m_ext.
        return gdb.parse_and_eval('((wxFileName*)%s)->GetFullPath(0)' %

class wxXYPrinterBase:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.x = val['x']
        self.y = val['y']

class wxPointPrinter(wxXYPrinterBase):
    def to_string(self):
        return '(%d, %d)' % (self.x, self.y)

class wxSizePrinter(wxXYPrinterBase):
    def to_string(self):
        return '%d*%d' % (self.x, self.y)

class wxRectPrinter(wxXYPrinterBase):
    def __init__(self, val):
        wxXYPrinterBase.__init__(self, val)
        self.width = val['width']
        self.height = val['height']

    def to_string(self):
        return '(%d, %d) %d*%d' % (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)

# The function looking up the pretty-printer to use for the given value.
def wxLookupFunction(val):
    # Using a list is probably ok for so few items but consider switching to a
    # set (or a dict and cache class types as the keys in it?) if needed later.
    types = ['wxString',

    for t in types:
        if val.type.tag == t:
            # Not sure if this is the best name to create the object of a class
            # by name but at least it beats eval()
            return globals()[t + 'Printer'](val)

    return None

[Ind. dev. - wxWidgets 3.0/3.1 under "Win 7 64-bit, TDM64-GCC" + "OS X 10.9, LLVM Clang"]
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