Is there any way to enable moving of managed aui panes without enabling floating?

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Is there any way to enable moving of managed aui panes without enabling floating?

Post by prospero »

In other words, to allow the re-arranging of the panes within a managed window, but not the detaching of those panes as separate, floating windows? When I disable floating, it seems to disable de-docking as well.

Adding panes with a wxAuiPaneInfo with .Floatable(false).Movable(true) or .Floatable(false).Dockable(true).Movable(true) doesn't work; the panes (non-center ones) can't be rearranged any more. Nor does creating an wxAuiManager with a custom style without the wxAUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING flag and then adding the panes normally (without Floatable(false)).

wx 3.3 (from github), Gtk 3.24.34, Fedora