Dynamically adding wxAuiToolBarItem to wxAuiToolBar has minor graphical artifact

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Dynamically adding wxAuiToolBarItem to wxAuiToolBar has minor graphical artifact

Post by joemaniaci »

The goal is to populate the wxAuiToolBar with, essentially, image buttons that represent images to be analyzed or directories of images to be analyzed. It's going to act like a "Recent Documents..." control, only graphically.

I've just noticed that when I add my new wxAuiToolBarItem to it, that the border doesn't draw 100% correctly. It does draw it correctly the second I grab the control and move it. I came across other people having other minor issues like this, but wanted to make sure it's not something indicative of me doing something wrong.

This is occuring in a wxCommandEvent handler for my wxFrame, where I add a pane containing a wxTreeCtrl, add the wxAuiToolBarItem, Update() the wxAuiManager, and then Refresh() the wxAuiToolbar. If you try to call wxAuiToolBar->Refresh() before wxAuiManager->Update() the wxAuiToolBarItem ends up inside the overflow items area. So not sure if that might indicate other issues as well.
