What's the earliest wxWindow event (or events sequence) ?

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What's the earliest wxWindow event (or events sequence) ?

Post by eranon »

Hello. I've to compute some infos to put in status-bar, the earliest as possible, when frame of the app is displayed for the first time. So, I've taken a look at events list shown by wxSmith, but don't find the right one to use. I've tried on EVT_SIZE, but it sounds like frame is not displayed when this event happens for the very first time (and my infos are about controls coordinates and dimensions, so, they must exist and be available).

Do I have to add a condition in this event handler to check if the main frame is completed OR should I use another event (for example EVT_ACTIVATE) ? What's the wxFrame events sequence when app is launched ?

EDIT : well, apparently, it was just my mistake : I've simply forgotten to call event.skip() at the end of the EVT_SIZE event handler, knowing the frame use sizers. So, content of the frame (ie. top sizer) didn't display... oops ! Now, it's OK. So, solved !
[Ind. dev. - wxWidgets 3.0/3.1 under "Win 7 64-bit, TDM64-GCC" + "OS X 10.9, LLVM Clang"]
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