Autocomplete and wxLogTrace

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Autocomplete and wxLogTrace

Post by skozlov »

Faced with one problem.

I have a simple dialog with wxTextCtrl. For this wxTextCtrl i set auto complete strings array. And on dialog closing my application crashes.

I found the problem.
wxTextEntry uses wxIEnumString for autocmplete stuff (src\msw\textentry.cpp) and wxIEnumString::Release() uses wxLogRelease().

wxLogRelease() call wxLog::IsThreadLoggingEnabled():

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/* static */
bool wxLog::IsThreadLoggingEnabled()
    return !wxThreadInfo.loggingDisabled;
And here wxThreadInfo is NULL, so application crashes.

I changed a little text example (added autocomlete for one of the text widgets) and everything works.

But I'm using custom wxWidgets initialization ( And maybe i have to do some extra initialization for logs of sth..

Can anybody help?


PS. Currently my workaround is:

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// src\msw\ole\oleutils.cpp
void wxLogRelease(const wxChar *szInterface, ULONG cRef)
  //wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("After %s::Release: m_cRef = %d"), szInterface, cRef - 1);
WinXp, wxWidgets 2.8.9, wxWidgets-svn, MSVC 9
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