Radio menu icons not displaying

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Radio menu icons not displaying

Post by pyridoxus »

Given a menu bar item with two selections, each of which are radio items: If both radio items use the default check mark, then the radio items function as expected. However, if both radio items have checked and unchecked icons defined from a *.rc file applied via wxFormBuilder, then both items will always display the checked icon in the menu. If using the original code to display the default check marks and add a line: m_menuItem49->SetBitmaps( wxIcon( wxT("ICON_GREEN_DOT"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO_RESOURCE, 16, 16 ), wxIcon( wxT("ICON_RED_DOT"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO_RESOURCE, 16, 16 ) );
(thereby making the change without the use of wx Form Builder), the same problem occurs where both radio items will always display the checked icon in the menu. Is this a bug in wx? Or, am I unaware of a flag, limitation, etc?
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