Convert floating point number to string with some formatting

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Convert floating point number to string with some formatting

Post by ssigala »

Convert a floating point value to a string, specifying the number of decimals, the decimal separator and the thousands separator.

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// d: value to convert
// decimals: number of decimals to output (<= 9)
// usecomma: use the comma as decimal separator if true, otherwise the dot
// thousands_spacer: separate the thousands if true
wxString DoubleToString(double d, int decimals, bool usecomma, bool thousands_spacer)
	if (decimals > 0) {
		double d_int, d_fract;
		d_fract = modf(d, &d_int);
		wxString s_int, s_fract;
		s_int = wxString::Format("%.1f", d_int);
		if (thousands_spacer)
			s_int = FormatThousands(s_int);
		switch (decimals) {
		case 1: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.1f", d_fract); break;
		case 2: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.2f", d_fract); break;
		case 3: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.3f", d_fract); break;
		case 4: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.4f", d_fract); break;
		case 5: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.5f", d_fract); break;
		case 6: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.6f", d_fract); break;
		case 7: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.7f", d_fract); break;
		case 8: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.8f", d_fract); break;
		case 9: s_fract = wxString::Format("%.9f", d_fract); break;
		s_fract.Remove(0, 2); // remove "0." or "0,"
		return s_int + (usecomma ? ',' : '.') + s_fract;
	} else { // decimals == 0
		double fl = floor(d);
		double ce = ceil(d);
		wxString s;
		if (d - fl < ce - d)
			s = wxString::Format("%d", (int)fl);
			s = wxString::Format("%d", (int)ce);
		if (thousands_spacer)
			return FormatThousands(s);
		return s;

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wxString s;

s = DoubleToString(3.141592, 4, false, false);
// s now contains "3.1416"
s = DoubleToString(3.141592, 4, true, false);
// s now contains "3,1416"
s = DoubleToString(3141.5926535, 3, false, true);
// s now contains "3,141.593"
s = DoubleToString(3141.5926535, 3, true, true);
// s now contains "3.141,593"
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Re: Convert floating point number to string with some format

Post by leio »

You can also simply generate the formatting yourself too instead of an enormouse switch block. Like this (anything else is left as is):

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// d: value to convert
// decimals: number of decimals to output (<= 9)
// usecomma: use the comma as decimal separator if true, otherwise the dot
// thousands_spacer: separate the thousands if true
wxString DoubleToString(double d, int decimals, bool usecomma, bool thousands_spacer)
	if (decimals > 0) {
		double d_int, d_fract;
		d_fract = modf(d, &d_int);
		wxString s_int, s_fract;
		s_int = wxString::Format("%.1f", d_int);
		if (thousands_spacer)
			s_int = FormatThousands(s_int);

		// start of modified code
		char *buf[16];
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\%.%df", decimals);
		s_fract = wxString::Format(buf, d_fract);
		// end of modified code
		s_fract.Remove(0, 2); // remove "0." or "0,"
		return s_int + (usecomma ? ',' : '.') + s_fract;
	} else { // decimals == 0
		double fl = floor(d);
		double ce = ceil(d);
		wxString s;
		if (d - fl < ce - d)
			s = wxString::Format("%d", (int)fl);
			s = wxString::Format("%d", (int)ce);
		if (thousands_spacer)
			return FormatThousands(s);
		return s;
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Re: Convert floating point number to string with some format

Post by utelle »

Unfortunately the code does not work properly. Try

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s = DoubleToString(1.99996, 4, false, false);
s now contains "1.0000" , but it should contain "2.0000". Rounding effects have to be taken into account, i.e. d_int has to be incremented by 1 if the first character in s_fract is 1 (it's not always 0 as the code assumes).

Following is some code correctly handling this issue. It can easily be adjusted to use comma or point as the decimal separator and to add thousands separator formatting:

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wxString Double2String(double value, int precision = 0)
  wxString number;
  if (precision < 0)
    precision = 0;
  else if (precision > 16)
    // max. precision of type double is about 16 on most architectures
    precision = 16;

  // Use absolute value locally
  double localValue = fabs(value);
  double localFraction = (localValue - floor(localValue)) +(5. * pow(10.0, -precision-1));
  if (localFraction >= 1)
    localValue += 1.0;
    localFraction -= 1.0;
  localFraction *= pow(10.0, precision);

  if (value < 0)
    number += wxString(_T("-"));

  number += wxString::Format(_T("%.0lf"), floor(localValue));

  // generate fraction, padding with zero if necessary.
  if (precision > 0)
    number += wxString(_T("."));
    wxString fraction = wxString::Format(_T("%.0lf"), floor(localFraction));
    if (fraction.Length() < precision)
      number += wxString(_T('0'), precision-fraction.Length());
    number += fraction;

  return number;

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Post by neo_in_matrix »

Where is FormatThousands? I don't think it's provided by wxWidgets - I could not look it up in the Help.
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Post by utelle »

neo_in_matrix wrote:Where is FormatThousands? I don't think it's provided by wxWidgets - I could not look it up in the Help.
The code was posted in a previous posting of ssigala. Look here:
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convert to double to wxstring regard is ok testing

Post by JPlaroche »

// Double convert wxString: value to convert
// decimals: number of decimals

wxString DblToStr(double valx , unsigned int decimal=0 )

double d_int, d_fract , value;
wxString edt , buf s_fract;
if (decimal > 16 ) decimal = 16;

if (valx< 0 ) value = valx *-1; else value =valx;

d_fract = modf(value , &d_int);

// recuperation decimal
edt =_T("%#." + wxString::Format("%d",decimal)+"f");

s_fract = wxString::Format(edt, d_fract);
//entier +1 si arrondit
if (s_fract[0] == '1') d_int ++;

if (decimal == 0 ) value = d_int ; else value = d_int+ d_fract;
if (valx < 0 ) value *=-1;
buf= wxString::Format(edt,value);
if (decimal == 0 ) buf.RemoveLast(1);
return buf;


j'ai test
Last edited by JPlaroche on Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: convert to double to wxstring regard is ok testing

Post by lowjoel »

[quote="JPlaroche"]j'ai test
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Post by JPlaroche »

my version is ok DblToStr

lollllllllllll :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

wxString DoubleToString is not ok
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Re: juste

Post by utelle »

JPlaroche wrote:my version is ok DblToStr

No, it isn't. At least not the above version, which not even compiles. After eliminating the syntax error(s) I tested it with

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giving 3.0.

I wouldn't call that ok, would I?

But the code you posted in seems to be ok.
JPlaroche wrote:wxString DoubleToString is not ok
I agree, but the code I posted above, namely the function Double2String (as used in my component wxPdfDocument), works as expected.


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exate teste pfdoc 6.2 ok

Post by JPlaroche »

I have a previous version of pdfdoc
Having updated her I again tested him and it is OK :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

My excuses. Thank you is for work :oops: :P

with debug I still have some problem :shock:
In the recoveries of intermediate values. :?:
I am in version 6.9 wxdevcpp :idea:
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Re: exate teste pfdoc 6.2 ok

Post by utelle »

JPlaroche wrote:I have a previous version of pdfdoc
Having updated her I again tested him and it is OK :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
Well, the code of method Double2String was/is identical in all versions of wxPdfDocument published at wxCode.
JPlaroche wrote:with debug I still have some problem :shock:
In the recoveries of intermediate values. :?:
I am in version 6.9 wxdevcpp :idea:
I haven't used wxdevcpp myself, so unfortunately I can't answer questions regarding this development environment.


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