Building wxArt2d with wxDev-Cpp

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Building wxArt2d with wxDev-Cpp

Post by NinjaNL »

After much work by the developers of wxArt2d it is now possible to use your own installation of wxDev-C++ to build and use the wxArt2d libraries.

There is a devpak available using your webupdate function, however this will only be updated sporadically, and should you wish to keep abreast of any development performed by the developers of wxArt2d it would be better if you learned how to build the library yourselves.

Firstly, you need to download the wxArt2d sources. This is done using your favourite cvs program I use TortoiseCVS

Secondly you will need to install cmake

Thirdly, you'll need to get a hold of the file expat.h. This is available from ... e&view=log download the file and place it into your dev-cpp\include\wx folder

Create a new folder "wxart2d_devcpp" in the root of your drive.

Start cmake,

In the upper text box "Where is the source code" enter the folder containing the cvs checkout of wxArt2d (or use the browse button and associated dialog to browse to your cvs checkout folder) e.g. c:\wxArt2d

In the lower text box "where to build the binaries" enter the location of the newly created folder "c:\wxart2d_devcpp"
Click on Configure button, in the dialog presented choose "MinGW makefiles" from the dropdown list. Click on OK.

You'll get some error messages, simply click OK.

Scroll down to the bottom of the cmake dialog. Set wxWidgets_USE_DEBUG to OFF and wxWidgets_USE_MONOLITHIC to ON.

You should also see an option wxWidgets_MINGW_FROM_SOURCE (if not, press Configure again), you need to set this to OFF

Next set wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR to your wxDev-C++ root directory. (c:/dev-cpp) NOTE that you have to use slashes and not backslashes, cmake gets confused with backslashes.

Next scroll up to the top of the dialog, and set EXPAT_HDR_OK3 to the location of the expat.h header (C:/Dev-Cpp/include/wx/expat.h)

Next set EXPAT_LIB_OK3 to the location of your expat library (C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libwxexpat.a)

You are now ready to generate the makefiles. If you want to create a makefile for the samples, you need to specify this (set WXART2D_COMP_SAMP_DOCVIEW to ON for example)

Then click Configure TWICE, this should enable the OK button.

Now click on the OK button. Cmake now generates the makefiles needed to compile the libraries.

You are now in a position to build the libraries, and create your own devpak (should you so wish) which has been explained elsewhere on this forum.
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